Tenants can receive brand new laptops or devices and make affordable interest-free loan repayments. We then help by applying a $250 subsidy to reduce the total loan amount.
It’s an easy way to purchase an item up front without the need for risky short-term cash loans.
“We purchased a new tablet to keep in contact with our grandchildren. We have learnt how to make video calls and it’s great to talk to them face-to-face with the help of technology.”

Please refer to the Eligibility Criteria and Guidelines for the Tech Connect Subsidised Loan Program. To apply, please fill out the enquiry form below or contact our Tenant Programs team on 4324 7617.
To be eligible for a Tech Connect loan you must meet the following criteria:
- Be a tenant / household member of a Pacific Link Housing property for more than 6 months.
- Have all rent and non-rent payments up to date.
- Have a good record of payment and tenancy history.
*NOTE: Meeting eligibility criteria does not guarantee that an applicant will be awarded funding. As part of the application process, applicants are ranked against the eligibility criteria, and Pacific Link awards funding to applicants who best meet the eligibility criteria and are in greatest need.
To ensure funds are distributed fairly, the following guidelines apply:
- Applications can be made at any time during the year.
- No funds will be paid directly to applicants. Pacific Link Housing will purchase the item(s) and provide the tenant with a copy of the invoice for warranty purposes.
- The total loan amount can not exceed $1,000 (after the $250 subsidy has been deducted).
- Tenants will enter into Loan Agreement with Pacific Link Housing for the remaining loan amount.
- Loans will not incur any interest.